
683029-501 683029-001 AMD Motherboard For HP Pavilion G6-2200 -2300 Laptops, 683029-501 683029-001 AMD INTEG

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683029-501 683029-001 AMD Motherboard For HP Pavilion G6-2200 -2300 Laptops,

683029-501 683029-001 AMD INTEGRATED Motherboard For HP Pavilion G6-2200 Laptops, A

683029-501, 683029-001 compatible, DA0R53MB6E0, FS1, WITH HEATSINK!

The Integrated Graphics GPU is part of the APU and varies with the APU. See pic 2.
For example, the AMD A8-4500M APU provides the HD7640G Graphics GPU

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  • Model: 683029-501 683029-001 AMD Mother
  • 8102 Units in Stock

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